Characteristics of Ambrette Resinoid oil

    1. Definition.

The oil resin is a concentrate of 1.6 % of the total weight of the seed. Extracted by NATIVUS own systems. When the resin is processed in a decanter, it has three phases. These three phases pass the witman paper filter Nº 40.
When they are separated by decantation, the 3 faces (One of transparent yellow color, another one with consistency of oil and the third one of brown and dense color) the three present the same intense aroma to musk. To separate them and to offer only one of them, it would reduce the volume with the consequent increase of costs.

    1. The extraction process.

Information was gathered from various extraction systems (scientific papers). Some very recent and others traditional. With several tests of the process, a standardized product was finally achieved. The maintenance at low pressure and low temperature in isolated environment, guaranteed the conservation of the volatile ones that otherwise would be vaporized. Screening and filtration in several stages eliminated undesirable fibers and carbohydrates. The solvent used is ethanol from agricultural production (non-fossil), the equipment is made of stainless steel and glass. We keep the definition of the different stages of the process as our own Know Hou.

    1. Agricultural production of Ambrette seed.

a.The seed.

When agricultural production began, our buyer in France told us that there was a better quality seed. He sent it to us through his supplier in Ecuador who was withdrawing from production. This seed was propagated by us.

    1. Agriculture.

The characteristic of continuous seed production for 4 months from the beginning of flowering presents the crop as a product that requires a weekly harvest. The initial fruits that are kept in the plant when it dries, open and throw their seeds to the ground. Losing a good part of the production. This feature makes it too expensive for planting in large areas. It would require at least 8 harvests of small quantities. This unavoidable agricultural characteristic for extensive production makes it a great advantage for small-scale agriculture, and rural family farming. (The autarchic ones, those that sow their consuming food, and destine small surpluses to the market at very low prices, generally dependent on collectors). The purchasing system implemented by NATIVUS, allows the farmer to carry his product and monetize it conveniently.

    1. Farmers ethnic groups and traditional knowledge. Rurality (Family Farming)

These small producers become producers, because in their small areas they harvest weekly, store it and when they have marketable quantities (from 5 to 80 kilos) they commercialize it.

    1. The ancestral customs of their agricultural work.

The farmers feed on what they produce, and with the Ambrette, they have resources that in some cases are incredibly strategic economic income, because the characteristic of the seed that supports storage in good conditions (free of moisture, insects and rodents) for good weather, allows their seeds to be sold at the time they need money.

    1. Social component and participation of very small farmers.

A single guaranteed price throughout the year encourages very small farmers to sow and maintain their crop.

    1. Socio-economic component.

Normally, industrial products are cultivated by large companies that because of their large volume have low costs, but all income remains in the large company and does not reach small farmers. The Ambrette type of agriculture does not bear these costs. The Ambrette has the particularity that it can only be produced by small farmers and family farming.

    1. Certificate of origin.

Fair and equitable sharing of the benefits derived from the utilization of genetic resources by the poorest farmers and rural communities. Our agricultural system of the Ambrette qualifies with these requirements, apart from being organic, ecological, fair price, environmentally friendly and socially responsible. The products processed from the Ambrette seed maintain these characteristics until the finished product. Oleoresins, essential oils, absolutes and possibly Ambrettolide and Farnesol.

Santos Jaimes Serkovic.