• Inhalation: diffuse your copaiba oil or inhale it directly to help your emotional well-being and reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.
  • Massage: dilute your copaiba oil with a base oil and massage it into the areas of your body that need attention. This is a great way to deal with muscle pain, rheumatism, lupus, and gout.
  • Topical application for the skin: add a few drops of copaiba essential oil to a cotton ball and apply it to the skin to deal with acne, psoriasis, eczema or just to help your skin achieve a more healthy beautiful appearance.
  • Ingestion: Ingesting essential oils is a controversial topic and many experts regard it as a dangerous practice. Having said that, there is another school of thought that certain essential oils can be ingested in low doses. Copaiba is among the oils that many people consider safe to ingest. It is recommended that you add a few drops to an empty capsule rather than swallowing it directly.